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SMEs are four times more likely to secure funding when working with their accountant. We are on a mission to improve the financial education of small & medium business owners like you. Book a discovery call today, to discuss your options with a member of our team.

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The complete guide to funding for SMEs

If your business needs funding and you don’t know where to start – or have hit a brick wall – our blog will point you in the right direction.

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What are the most common funding options available to me?


Equity Financing

Raising capital through the sale of shares, equity financing can be a good alternative to debt and inject cash as your business matures.

Business Grants

Grant funding is when a business is awarded a sum of money by the Government or a private organisation to use for a specific purpose. Unlike a business loan, business grants do not need to be repaid, and no interest will be charged. You also won’t need to give away a share of your business in exchange.

Asset Finance & Leasing

When you need more assets to grow, but don’t want to make a large cash payment to buy them outright, asset finance can support your purchase and free up the cash you need.

Commercial Mortgages

Commercial mortgages can be a great way to fulfil a number of corporate objectives and contribute to your continued growth, if eligible. Owning your place of business can give you more freedom to shape and control your operations and let you build wealth.

Term Loans

One of the more traditional and most familiar methods of lending, term loans are time-bound and you'll pay a set repayment amount, usually monthly.